Sunday, February 8, 2015

Why did my rellies keep changing names?

Saturday 7 February 2015

4 degrees

OH had long lie in whilst I battled with my changing name relations.   I find an Ada Rosanna Roberts born 1888.  However, when I find mum and her siblings, the maiden name of the mother is Chatwood/Chetwood.  I find an Ada Chetwood marrying my grandfather Frank Richards.  Looking through my old diaries, I find some information following a discussion I had with mum.  Oh why didnt I write down more?  Even so, trying to get a logical sequence of events out of my mother was like chasing a very small rabbit around a very large warren.  It appears that my maternal great grandmother was called Roberts.  Oh bugger, that it makes it easy (not).  Looking through which I discovered has free access to the census records!!!, I find my Aunt Mabel aged 6 living with her grandparents in Shropshire.  She is bearing the name Roberts at this point - but is called Chetwood by the time she marries my uncle Alf in 1931.  I am very confused.  I still cant find anyone by the name of Ada Chetwood or Chatwood linked with the name Roberts in the late 19th century.  This is all riveting but I think there is more to be discovered.  Mum had a huge box full of family photos and information.  Must ring up my cousin and sister.

OH traipsed me around some more boggy fields. It was not interesting.  Went for a foul coffee and bought lottery tickets for this evening.  When I win the lotto, I am paying something to delve into my name swopping relatives.

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