Thursday 25 June 2015
Hot 30 degrees
Had a bit of a late start with the result that by the time I had done the necessaire, didn't have time to go around the market. Popped into the Water Authority office and used loads of charm to get someone to come out and connect the big rental unit for next Wednesday ahead of the, finally!, signature of compromis next Friday. The people want to revisit before signing and OH has been painting over the slight yellow stains. I never realised before that not all white paint is 'created equal'. There are many different shades of white and different states of glossiness or opacity. Also went to the Tresor Public and still no joy. Rang RSI, the people who extract social charges of 45% from people like me who are trying to earn a living. They had promised a refund of 645 euros and it has still not arrived. They said they have until Sunday to pay it, according to the Law. I said I would ring them on Monday. The technique in France is to be a nuisance. It is the only way to achieve your desired result.
Met the Aussie couple in front of their town property and the electrician came and we sorted out what work he was going to do and then I introduced them to the brocante lady who is interested in renting their place from October. She is a delightful lady with the most beautiful shiny white teeth and coral pink gums and her whole face lights up when she smiles. I regretfully decline coffee with the Aussie lady and dash off along the hot pavements to meet an English couple. They are just a little bit late and we go into the cool lobby of the big Hotel and have a quick chat and then find a shady spot on the terrasse overlooking the formal gardens.
They are from the Midlands and are appropriately stunned by the art deco interior and the exotic gardens with their palms and banana trees. They want to buy later on in the year but I give them lots of information about the local area and buying in general and it is all very pleasant.
Back home and do some cleaning and look at emails and sort out tomorrows paperwork for the visits - three different clients in one day - they are stacking up like buses.
Forecast is ghastly for next week - most of the days above 33 degrees and two in excess of 40.
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