Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Bright with butterflies and earthly treasures

Monday 17 August 2015

Delightful 25 degrees

Wonderful Summer day, bright with butterflies and brilliant blue skies.  Our African visitors are over - huge orange fritillaries and white swallowtails.  They love the verbena bonariensis.  A strange red leaf turned into a black and red moth, easily the size of my pinkie finger.  A praying mantid, green as peas, waved its antenna from a dead leaf.  Tiny blue butterflies over the rotting compost heap, yellow soucis on the evening primrose, their delicate wings echoing the hues of the flowers as they sucked up the nectar.  In the potager, the sudden rain has made the tomatoes swell and crack.  The strange black Crimea fruits are nearly ready and the cherry variety hang like beads on the vines.  The potatoes have been invaded by grass which obscures the lines.  The spade is hidden by the sudden growth.  When the boys were small, they were always amazed at how the tubers were hidden in the ground, smooth and white, and they used to grub around the dying topgrowth to unearth the treasures.

My head feels light, as if there is a space where the headache was and I feel weak.  However, an appointment is in the diary and I have to go and let in a technician to carry out the diagnostics on the property being bought by the HK man.  I walk around to a house which I used to have for sale and is now again on the market, spied on a competitor's site.  The owner is in and he is Spanish and I find myself explaining who I am and what I want and it comes out quite easily and he understands me but the house is on exclusivity.  I leave him my card and go back into town and go and see the lovely LT and have a coffee with her.  She is looking exhausted after the fĂȘte weekend and says her husband has a trapped sciatic nerve and she has had to do all the cooking over the weekend.  Her children are in, serving at the bar.  Feel better after the milky coffee and glass of water which LT also insisted I had, get bread and eggs and back home.  OH has got out the new pressure washer and has made a big difference to the patio.  Dog is still next door 'helping' the neighbours to redo their dry stone wall.  It involves him doing a lot of barking.  He probably drives them nuts but it saves us having to walk him as he is knackered by the end of the day.

Have lunch and catch up with emails.  Alas, the buyers of the contemporary house were away over the weekend and just emailed me to say that they are waiting for information from the anglo french company.  I dont think we will have the report this week.  I am waiting to get the report before telling them they are bloody useless.  Two weeks and counting and the sellers are very, very stressed but happily on holiday from Saturday to Cuba from where they will not hassle me.  Rang notaires office to ask who is looking after my dossiers in her absence and was told no-one.  Vive la France.

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