Saturday, August 1, 2015

Lots of clients and a surprise meeting...

Thursday 30 July 2015
Cloudy with spits and spots of rain 23 degrees.

Up early and alas the bags are still there so try and cover them up with foundation and look like former Chancellor Nigel Lawson (post diet version) so try again with powder and that is even worse so wash it all off, put on sunglasses, bright red lipstick and brush hair so it stands out and hopefully distracts with its wild abundance.

Went for revisit on house where people are signing Acte de Vente Monday next.  Lady from South Africa had some rather exuberant extensions, sunhat, bright blue and red shoes and outfit.  Her OH looks like Philip Larkin (pre diet version).  They attract the attention of passing traffic.  I am dressed in a green and white polkadot Boden summer dress with blinging handbag and feel very retro (provided I keep glasses on nose).  Revisit goes well and owner shows them how things work and the only hic occurs when I accidentally turn off the electrical circuits (whilst showing how meter works) and there are terrible wails from upstairs as the small girls are temporarily deprived of TV.  We then go down town and try to open a bank account and the bank wants chapter and verse so I say we can set things up on their UK bank account.  We then elbow our way through market crowds and have coffee.  Back home for quick lunch.

In afternoon out with Spanish/English couple.  Man is quite withdrawn but OH battles on through introduction talk and I listen to the Spanish lady who says they have been married for 31 years and I am wondering how the F she has survived so many years of marriage and developed so few wrinkles.  She has wonderful bone structure and must be in her early 50's.  She doesn't have any bags either.  We set off and see four houses and the only one they like is the third one with the huge black dogs.  They are twin sisters and are utterly thrilled to see me and OH again (we really do need to sell this house....) and get out their special large pebble and chase it around the courtyard with their noses at breakneck (and ankle) speed.  We say our farewellls and agree to talk next Tuesday and I decide we have earned a beer so sit down town and enjoy a long cool glass and the sunshine and feel like we are on holiday with all the other happy people and flowery balconies and bunting.

Suddenly someone shrieks and calls my name and who should it be but FB friend and neighbour of dearest matie Mrs Noddi and we have another beer and they head back to the Ariège.  I feel non compus mentis so go for walk with dog to clear head whilst OH rustles something up.  Ring owner who has had low offer and tell her that I have been able to get buyers to go up by just 2k and to my surprise she accepts so ring buyers and they shriek with joy and tell me that they have just got engaged.

OH makes pan fried hake, new potatoes, veg, poached nectarines and ice cream and I try to watch episode of Are You Being Served and pass out at 10.  10 seems to be the witching hour, beyond which I cannot last...

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