Monday, August 31, 2015

Reassurance, bullshit and resin

Sunday 30 August 2015

Forecast 38 - didn't actually get through the door until 9 pm

Woke up early and the air was cool and it was only 22 degrees so threw open all the windows to let out the hot, bored flies.  Found a Red Admiral which had been trapped on my window all night and was in the throes of expiring.  I laid it gently on some paper and its antenna ceased waving and its beautiful wings shuddered and then it passed.  I will preserve it in resin.

OH elected to take the dog around the lake and I stayed at home to talk to the young couple and persuade them that backing out was a very bad idea.  The Euro is at an eleven year low, there is huge demand and a lack of decent housing stock at reasonable prices, people are buying as they haven't bought since 2005.  If they don't buy now, they will be priced out of this area.  Also, they can let it out during their absence and it will give them a good return on their investment.  We spoke at length on Skype and the man, who had been having the wobble, said he was reassured and would go ahead and sign the papers and they would transfer over the cash.

I get a very frustrated email from the buyers of the contemporary house, saying they have heard nothing from the anglo french law company and is there anything this end, holding things up.  I tell them that this company has not been in touch either with me, or the notary, or the land surveyor.  I also tell them that when I ring up, I am fobbed off or fed bullshxt.  It has now been three weeks.  I am at a loss to know what these people have been doing for all this time.  How long does it take to read documents and translate them?

I speak to the owner of the ugly 1950's house where my people from this week love but haven't sold their house and my colleague's clients love but cant buy because the guy is changing jobs, and it appears that the rival agency has a cash buyer near to the asking price.  Bugger.  The owner says that she didn't accept immediately because she would really have liked to sell with me.  I have done far more visits than all the other agencies put together.  I tell her, regretfully, that I don't have anyone ready to sign on the dotted line, so she says I can find her the next property, and she will go in and accept the other agency offer tomorrow.

OH comes back,  very interesting shade of puce, saying Bloody Hell, its hot out there.  We have lunch and a siesta.  I leave my window open and close the shutters and the air puffs through in hot gasps.  An hour later, suitably refreshed, I sort out the laundry and get to grips with photographing my resin pendants.  They are tricky to photo well but I manage a good effort using some on a mirror and some on a wooden sunny windowsill.  The black matt surface of the desk works well for the scarabs.  I pour some new pendants and buttons and the mix seems very liquid.  I hope it sets...

Have remains of seafood risotto and walk dog in the fading light.  Still stiflingly hot.

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