Friday, August 7, 2015

Revellers remorse and yet more buyers....

Friday 7 August 2015

Hot and sticky 32 degrees

Woke up at seven and realised that half my brain cells had died.  Tongue stuck to roof of mouth and my pillow looked as if they had gone ten rounds with a prize fighter.  Staggered out of bed to find water and so, to my utter surprise, did OH.  I don't think he has seen 7 am in years.  He was clutching his stomach and claiming he wasn't used to rich food.  He is also not used to a number of pints of Guinness followed by a late meal complete with rich sauces.  Had a shower and down town to give our renters back their deposit money.  They said they had had a lovely time and had left the unit very clean.  Had a stiff coffee to get me going and realised that all of the local shop keepers were doing the same.  Council workers were busy setting up stands for the weekend fĂȘte.  Nine o'clock rolled around and I went to the water office and did the change over for last night's clients.  All too soon it was time to go into our nearest big town for the completion on a sale which I had done in collaboration with my colleague.  Still horribly thirsty so had a syrup and more water and started to feel human again.

The completion went smoothly and we had a coffee together and then I went back home. Very tired.  OH very nobly said he would go out and meet Hong Kong man and I could have a rest.  He gave me a list of nine things to do to make sure that my rest wasn't too long. Passed out to the mellow tones of Tim Wannacott and Bargain Hunt.  Dreamed I was in the Arctic but was very hot and a seal was tickling me with its whiskers.  It was dog, his nose an inch from mine, and smiling.  He has appalling halitosis.  Had more water and some toast and worked my way through the list.  Then down town to meet OH and the man and he was very pleasant.  The centre of town was very noisy, with a man on an organ belting out a bizarre medley of tunes.  Man from Hong Kong (originally from US) was having culture shock. There is only so much you can take of Roll out the Barrel and Aye, aye aye aye, si si senora...  so we went to a quieter part of town and ran through the various properties I had selected.  OH had kept him amused for three hours by driving him around the local towns and was looking worse for wear.  We dropped him off at the big hotel where I had reserved him a room and back home where I had to make all of the appointments for tomorrow and then dinner.  

Tomatoes full of blight so had to chop off the leaves and spray with copper fungicide.  Hope this doesn't poison the fruits.  Very very hot and sticky.  OH went to bed at nine and I wasn't long behind him.

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