Friday, September 11, 2015

Packed up and the hatches are battened down and we are ready for the off!

Friday 11 September 2015

Another glorious day - what a marvel Autumn is here

Woke up early and sprang out of bed, lots of things to do.  Spent morning ironing and sorting out laundry.  Ended up with huge pile of things on my bed.  I come from a family where we pack for all eventualities.  IPartly due to my mother's acquired habit of taking everything she owned and years of taking the kids to Cornwall.   Cornwall in Summer can present weather typical of all four seasons.  We have boiled and frozen.  We have had our heads blown off and sunstroke.  That is why we started coming to France and Spain in the first place.  This time would be different.  I put away at least half of it.  I do not need 20 pairs of knickers.  Started from underwear, through PJ's and then to tops, skirts, dresses, coat, fleece, shoes and cosmetics.  Still room left in the case.  Actually, my mother had special holiday clothes.  We just have clothes clothes.

Had lunch and finished entering up beautiful villa.  OH went for a sleep.  Walked dog. Decided that taking resin stuff on holiday was probably not a good idea.  Opted for art materials and sorted out big bag of paper, pens, pencils, acrylics, gouache, watercolours and some knitting.  It all fitted in the other bag.  The 'dont overpack' voice in my head was satisfied.  In some respects, taking a plane does restrict me and I don't end up with many many things I never use.  Alas, this time we are in the car and four of the days will be in a flat.  OH has gone overboard on the packing.  If we decide to divert into exploring the North West passage, we are good.

Made T bone steak and combined it with all the remaining veg in the fridge.  Finished off with all the soft fruit in the fridge and ice cream.  Felt stuffed but we don't like throwing stuff out.  A woody melon found itself onto the bird table.  Dog enjoyed some about to be rank sausages.

The phone rang and it was the agency business manager and he had not managed to ring either the anglo french law company or the buyers of the contemporary house because there had been some major ructions between the agents to the north and unwise emails had been sent.  Heads are being banged together.  Oh dear.  I wouldn't have his job for all the tea in China.  I hand him my nightmares to sort out.

Wrote up three blog entries and you will now have to wait for ten days to get instalments on our hols.  I will be writing a paper diary and then update when I get back.  Over and out (for now)....

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