Tuesday 27 October 2015
Cool and showery
15 degrees
Round two with yesterday's client and the girls came too. They were on time today so we headed off to my town and I showed them two houses. I thought she was going to say that they were too small and that is exactly what she said. However she said she really appreciated the fact that I had stuck to the budget she had given me. She then said she thought she might have to go up another hundred grand to get what she wanted. Wish I had known that back at the start. I would have shown other houses in my town which were more susceptible to please.
The second house I showed is a little bijou - in immaculate condition. It is balm to the soul to be in an environment so clean and pretty with little feminine touches everywhere. In my house even the animals are male. I sometimes feel that a padded cell, provided it was all white and clean, would be quite a good option. I would insist that they took off my straight jacket at meal times, however. Standards have to be maintained.
We went to a bar and I went to the loo and the lady asked what I was having and I said a grand creme and when I got back, I was the only one having anything and had to pay for it myself. Was somewhat aggrieved as, not only have I picked them up from the hotel 15 kms away every day, but also took them to a supermarket to do some shopping before dropping them off last night. We arranged to revisit two of yesterday's houses and I went home and felt exhausted. Still haven't recovered from the flu bug.
Am having many enquiries on the chateau with the immense amounts of renovation to do. Wish I hadn't taken it on.
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