Friday 20 November 2015
22 degrees
OH got to the UK safely but said it was a terrible crossing. It is beyond me why he goes to the Lake District at this time of year, every year, with his mates. I am not convinced they do any walking. I think they spend all the time in the hut. Or possibly in the pub. The hut is on Coniston Old Man and is an old quarry man's hut, named after a man called Jack Diamond. He has been going there since he was about 12 - first with school and later with his mates and now they are all in their fifties and who will take over the Hut when they are too fat or knackered or too dead to go any more? Certainly not our two offspring.
Crawled out of bed at six. When OH is away I get to bed far too late, take ages getting to sleep and then wake up at the crack of dawn. Dog has tapped into this and got out of bed and barked a lot. Found him a bone from the fridge. The fridge had new life forms in it. The oven was black. There was dust and cobwebs on every surface. It was very depressing.
I started with the pantry. That took an hour. Cup of tea. Lots of oven cleaner. Put away the stuff that OH had littered over every shelf and work top. Unloaded the end chair of its pile of coats and bags. Sorted out the stuff pinned to the fridge. Cleaned the windows.
Breakfast - Master crumble - how on earth can it have that many calories??? - scrub oven to get off stubborn bits. The next time I am getting what my mother used to call a paralytic oven. Turned it up to maximum heat to melt off the stubborn bits. Smoke was terrible. Perhaps it is paralytic after all. Nicola Sturgeon on Desert Island Discs. If that is the sort of music she likes, I wouldn't like to be on the island with her. Although if I was, I would fight her for the coffee machine she would be taking with her as the luxury item.
Carried on through the front room. It must be the wood fire. That much dust would take years to accumulate. OK cant remember last time I dusted but it was definitely within the last few months. Dog is down the road and barking at something. Mop floor. Get text from eldest saying that the Spanish housekeeper overheard our conversation yesterday and told the owners of the hotel that eldest intends to leave next year. He has been called to the office. Oh crap. Spend next hour being very agitated.
Eldest rings and says that the owner suddenly decided to start talking pay rise. He hadn't been specific about how much this would be but is talking to the accountant. Eldest considerably buoyed by this, although he still intends leaving in new year. He is plotting how to get his own back on the Spanish housekeeper.
For those of you who follow horoscopes, I will tell you that eldest is a Scorpio. That should be sufficient for you to know all. For those of you who don't, nobody understands a Scorpio like another Scorpio. The rest of us just have to make it up as we go along. And speaking of Scorpios, it appears he has a girlfriend who is the same sign. He says she likes music and poetry and is studying criminology. She is currently back in Mumbai and is coming back to UK in February. She is tiny with raven hair and dark rimmed glasses and a pencil scrunched between her lips and her nose. She looks intelligent. Whilst we were talking on Skype, his phone was pinging with her messages. I do hope he can work something out. No one should be on their own. Especially with ear wigging Spaniards in the adjoining room.
Hang up and quick half pizza - didn't even bother looking at the calories on that one - and talk to TB from the crafting group - another hour gone. Walk dog along the railway track and he spends more time sniffing than walking. Back home and sort out diary and write some emails and am delighted to see that my decision to put my buttons and jewelry on FB page has actually resulted in some potential sales. I may give up with Etsy. Too big a pond.
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